
Friday, May 11, 2018

The Price

Hey there, heroes!

This week, return to the Nest to pick up the pieces after the previous attack.

A word from San Robin about this week's release:

Hello, hey, hi there and greetings!

It has been a while since we’ve last visited The Nest. When we left off the hero had battled a mysterious villain who seems to have targeted the orphanage.
However an attack does leave some damage to surroundings, so today we’ll help clean up the place a little bit and help where possible.
Because we’re good people, and good things happen to good people right? :)*
So what will we be doing? Mopping? Dusting? Or perhaps filling up the giant hole in the wall that was left during the attack?
Log in and visit the Nest in book 3 to find out!


Also this week: A new visitor has arrived in Book 3 Falconreach. She has some peculiar tastes that she may be willing to share with you.

Make sure to pay Ruby, the moglin Adventure Chef, a visit before you plan on doing anything too dangerous!

The Blue Dahlia set, created by Dracelix, is available from the Book of Lore for Dragon Coins to celebrate Mothers Day!

Blue Dahlia


Have lore theories about the Nest? Want to be best friends with Ruby? Want to chat about all things DragonFable?

Join the discussion on the official forums!

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Tags: #Verlyrus