
Friday, August 29, 2014

Amityvale Returns!

Book 3 Amityvale is now live! Dracelix and Tomix put a lot of work into this new, safer, more secure town. While it still lives under the threat of vampires, werewolves, ghouls, yagas, lawyers, and more, the strong walls and the presence of the Rose keeps the townpeople safe... as long as they don't wander too far!

This week you'll be able to explore "The Other Well" and "Swamp Lake" in an effort to help townskitties and to find clues for Thursday. The town Alchemsmith also has a new set of poison weapons for sale! 

For a fun note, 1098 quests and towns have been created since the "Crystal Clear Lake" quest... which sees it's remake/refresh tonight in Swamp Lake! 

As the weeks go on though, Thursday will become even more obsessed with finding out the reason for her being hunted. Will you and Raven be able to keep her safe from all the factions in Doomwood (not just the werewolves) that want to get ahold of her? All new quests are coming soon!

Amityvale Thursday

Blood and Roses begins!