
Friday, November 14, 2014

The Dark Tower

With Thursday missing, and your only clue being the blood magic infused gift she took with her, it's time to head into the Doomwood to find the ancient Darkness Tower and question it's ancient inhabitant, Lord Frydae XIII! Will you find Thursday there? Will she still be human? 

This week you will confront Lord Frydae to find out his involvement with Thursday's locket and her disappearance. You'll also get to find out more tidbits of information regarding Frydae's past and there's even a mention of the Drakath* dynasty!

DragonFable Dark Tower Frydae

*Yes, you’ve been calling Drakath by his last name the whole time! Long, loooong ago it might have been different but, it’s been said, if you try and call them Slugwrath now it’s taken as an insult!