
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

In a Cave Somewhere Hiding from the Sunlight...

From Eric Greydawn:

It was a long hard and really weird week last week.  As you know, the quest I had been working diligently on was overwhelmed and devoured by digital demons… actually come to think of it… that’s not quite the right way to put it.  You see, the quest wasn’t devoured so much as UBER condensed.  When it came out the other side and opened for TM it was one background with some really bizarre code in it.  Either way it’s the same… the quest was utterly unrecognizable.  So, I started over.  Thursday night.  At six pm.  I worked all night to rebuild it.  Unfortunately in my haste, some vital bits of code(?) were placed in really awkward positions.  Most of the final stuff was actually done Saturday, however, the misplaced bits were badly misplaced, and some adjusting is going to have to be done.  To that end, the release will be delayed till Friday, so we can ensure that the quest doesn’t seem so rushed. (Even with the errors I am still learning more and more, and this was truly a learning experience)

This week I am beginning work on the next phase of the storyline.  I am hard at work now on the next quest…  errr..  QUESTS for the next part of the storyline.  You have all been eager to learn more about the guardians?  Well, the time is nigh.  The brotherhood awaits you!

Now I shall slip off to a serene place and resume working.

Tags: #geopetal