
Friday, January 11, 2013

Elemental Foothills

The Elemental Foothills in Book 3 have been expanded! The Wind Cave and Earth Cave drop more of those elemental essences, while there are some new, absolutely gorgeous water weapons from Cronix... in a hidden dungeon!

You now have until Monday to get all your Frostval badges! 

More to Come!
As always, everyone at the Underground Lab (and the satellite offices all over the world!) has been working on all sorts of crazy things!

This week has been a catch up week for as all the artists are working on brand new release stuff. Dracelix is working hard on the path to Swordhaven, Cronix has been hard at work on the wind elves that will populate Sulen'Eska, and Tomix is working on the quests for the Atealan armors!

We also have set upon our plan for Hero's Heart Day... and Rolith has been twirling his mustache! Which is weird cause he doesn't usually have one... I wonder where he got it!