
Sunday, January 2, 2011


In testing now! The boss fight is almost ready! Wow... just wow guys, good job!

Update: I borked something. Rolith to the rescue. I owe him some togsitting or something!

Update to the update: I'm so desperate to get this working I have Rolith working on this from a bathroom. It's the only room where he's staying that has an available outlet. So he's fixing the cutscene.... on a toilet. I owe him BIG TIME.

Update to the update to the update: Added the villain/anti-hero plushies to Cysero's Rare Pet Shop for you guys (they are permanently there).

Update x 4: I miss Ghost. He rocks. Rolith rocks too!

Update x 5: It works! It works! Thank you so much for being patient! The weapons are in and you'll notice a level 61 option. The level cap will go up on Monday!

Yet another update: Lim fixed the plushie pets already! I have to go into the database and change them to pets one by one, but if you clear cache everything should work. HUGE thank you to Verlyrus, he helped get stuff tested for you guys tonight!

Also, special thanks to my nephew, Jacob, for leaving his crayons behind after Christmas and to my Dad for the copious amount of paper I recycled. Also, that huge heart on the last page, totally not covering a mutant Maya head. Nope, def not. I hope you guys enjoyed the cutscene!

Update x7: Brand new Defender's Rings and Necklaces are now available!

Final Update: The Frostval Celebration has begun in Frostvale! Any presents still in inventories have been burst open so their plushie elementals can escape to wreak havoc in their owner's inventory and the presents shop, with all the presents in it, is now available from the storybook!