

Nova (Light Dragon)
Wednesday, January 10, 2024


Silvered Bells Cape X
Defender's Dragon Ring XXIII
Frostval Ruby Helm VII
Akriloth's Bane IV
Elemental Unity
Defender's Dragon Belt XII
Golden Order Blade V
Chronomancer Armor
DoomKnight Armor
DoomKnight Variant One
Evolved ChickenCow Armor
Gnomish Personal Steamtank Mk II
Reforged Chronomancer
Aika Backguard
DoomKnight Cloak
Nick's Warm Cape VIII
Bright Defender V
DoomKnight Helm
Fierce DragonLord Helm
Mistral Oleander Veil
Nick's Warm Cap VI
Petrified DragonLion's Head
Snugglebear Helm
Defender's Dragon Necklace VIII
Chef's Hat
Defender's Medal (x60)
Dragon Chow
HeroPoint (x2)
Kickstarter Token
X-Boost: Unlimited
Cheshire Twilly
Triks the Moglin
Alina's Battle Bouquet Staff
Amber Axe of the Harvest V
Avatar's Winged Scythe
Celestia's Blade IV
Commemorative Birthday Sword XII
Death's Royal Scythe
DrAEgon Scythe
ElectroShock IV
Escelense Dragon Defender Blade VII
Frost Dragon Head Blade VII
Gnomish Glory V
Guardian Blade
Malich's Retribution
Mightiest 100k Scythe
Necrotic Sword of Doom
Sword of Falconreach IX
Upright Blinding Light of Destiny
Vaekan's Reaper VII
Zardbie Katana
Solo Adagio

Bank Items

Akriloth's Fervid Bane
Beams of Celerita
Blade of Destiny
Blade of Fury
Blue Box III
ChaosMoon Edge VII
ChaosWeaver Defender Scythe
Cysero's Baco-Rama III
Cysero's Hamstergeddon
Cysero's Wedding Tophat
Destiny Phoenix Mask
Doomed Draconis Tenebras
Dragon Head Blade VII
Dragon Wolf Broadsword VI
Emperor Linus
Energy Devourer IV
Extra Crispy Blade of Doom
Flourishing Sakura Scythe
Flying Mogkee
Forlorn Gloom Glaive
Gabriel's Wrath
Grand Master Sword
Green Silk Spy Cloak V
High Edge of the Eclipse
Imaru's Pride III
Jova's Fury
Kanji Charm Necklace
Legendary Axe-Blade of Aww
Lucky Water Dragon Scythe
Male Frost Moglin Helm VI
Mighty Purebeam
Mirrored DragonLord Helm
Mirrored DragonLord's Wings
Obsidian Dragon Sword III
Pancetta Sash
Rolith's Wedding Tophat
Rubiaceae Reaper
Shining Helm of Destiny
Shining Mantle of Destiny
Silk Cravat
Spyblade of Alacrity III
Spyblade of Frost III
Spyblade of Judgment III
Spyblade of Static III
Summon Gem - Illumina
Summon Gem - Reaver
Summon Gem - Roktoru
Tactical Assault Helm IV
The Rose
Togsmas Cloak VIII
Togsmas Cowl VIII
Ultimate Brand of Glory
Ultimate Twin Blades of Glory
Vanilla Ice Katana
Zorbak Punting Hat

War Records

Winged Darkness
1001 waves, 14 Winged Darkness Waves
250 waves, 5 Turducken Waves
Wrath of Wargoth
114 waves, 0 Wrath Wave
Rising Fire
2 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Rift War
66 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Zardbie War 2011
94 waves, 2 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th 2011
777 waves, 7 Waves Defeated
Hiding the Blade of Awe
30 waves, 0 Locations Searched
Lucky Day War 2011
2 waves, 0 Rainbow Shards


DragonLord Castle
Dragonsgrasp House
Fish Style
Frostvale Style II

House Items

Nice Bed
Alchemy Lab
Potion Chest
Deluxe Dragonbed
Dragon Statue
Dragon Fireplace
Cysero's Left Sock
Guardian Shield
Paladin Plaque
Healing Pad
Guardian Rug
Artix Statue
Wasabi Table
Necro U Handbook
Light Orb Nightlight
Dragon Amulet Rug
Galanoth Ice Sculpture
Armor Closet
Orb Of Saving
Memento Mori
Easy Clean Aquarium
Clyde the Stats Moglin
Time Travel Fairy Time Tours statue
Traveler's Gryphon Statue
Melted Clock
Blue Box
Grenwog Egg Clutch