

Voidstar (Darkness Dragon)
Sunday, August 28, 2022


DoomKnight Cloak
Mega-deathly Hollow
DoomKnight Helm
Akriloth's Bane IV
Dragon's Rage
Leorilla Mane Belt III
Sneegion Sword of DOOM
Legion Bracer
Icebound Revenant
Groundhog Wings I
Vaal Mask
Breeze Essence (x6)
Defender's Medal (x25)
Molten Sourcemetal
Scrap metal (x10)
X-Boost: Unlimited (x10)
Shapeless Idol IV
Uaanta's Blaster III (Uncharged)
Blade of the Dark One
Dragon Blade
Frostfyre's Eye
Full Moon Scythe
Necrotic Sword of Doom
Shadowfire Axe

Bank Items

Abyssal Silver Katana II
Aeris PvP Trophy (x8)
Ascended ChickenCow Armor
Ascended Crest
Ascended Spear
Ascended Spear
Ascended Wings
Blade of Awe
Blade of the Oculus
Cloak Scrap
Commemorative Birthday Sword VII
Commemorative Birthday Sword VIII
Corrupt ShadowReaper of Doom
Dark Insicors (x3)
Doom Dragon Wings
DoomKnight Armor
DoomKnight Variant One
Dragon PvP Trophy
Dragon Wolf Broadsword VI
Ignis Gem (x6)
Manawood Sword IV
Memory Fragment V
Memory Fragment VII
Necro Paragon Armor
Necro Paragon Cape III
Necro Paragon Helm III
Pearl Blade III
Pure Blinding Light of Destiny
Pure Shard of the Dawn
Simple ElectroShock VI
Stan the ScanOrb
Super Rainbow Blade VII
SUPER Special Dragon Chow (x3)
Tournament Blade VII
Ultimate Brand of Glory
Zeclem's Band
Zeclem's Belt
Zeclem's Blade
Zeclem's Cloak
Zeclem's Heirloom
Zeclem's Helm

War Records

The Maleurous: Sinnocence
193 waves, 13 Waves Defeated
DragonRider War
435 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Ebil War
4 waves, 0 Ebil Waves Defeated
Wrath of Wargoth
65 waves, 0 Wrath Wave
Rising Fire
4 waves, 0 Waves Defeated


Gothic Style II

House Items

Lava Lakes
Sepulchure Rug
Curious Stain
Armor Closet
Double Trouble
Meltface Akriloth Figurine
Tapestry of the Capitol