

Draconis Fearest (Fire Dragon)
Wednesday, November 13, 2013


High Nightweaver's Wings
Aurora Circlet
Irismancer's Dragon Helm
Jacob's Ladder Necktie
Adorable Baby Dracolich Pet
Kelplet Beltlet
Kaaros Garada Avi
Kathool Adept Armor
Gasket Band
Glacialis Orbis
Shining Halo of Seasons
Shiny Gorillaphant Helm
Shiny Lavagoblin Helm
Eye of Bastet
Pandora's Cube Choker
Gold Nugget (x7)
Stone of Falconreach Tower
X-Boost: Unlimited
Adorable Baby Dracolich Pet
My Tiny Green Pwntern III
Pirate Monkey Captain
Ptoleme Sneevmole
Bacon Storm
Beacon of Hope
Chi Blast
Crystal Focus
Earthern Fortitude
Ice Gem
Lightning Circuit
Blade of Wonder
Cerulean Love Poison #9
Commemorative Birthday Sword V
Cysero's Hamstergeddon
Golden Lights Blade
Guided Blinding Light of Destiny
High Orbed Axe
High Pentrin
Hinnos Shari Avi
Jova's Fury
Jova's Fury
Lim's Hydrocombustion Breaker
Necrotic Sword of Doom
Plegios' Punishment
Poison et Roses Blade VI
Poison et Roses Blade VII
Rhyolite Edge
Sea's Blessing V '09
Snow Day Scythe IV
Sonic Sword
The Hour Hand III
Underworld Upholder III
Unstable Warpfield

Bank Items

Aeris PvP Trophy (x13)
Bottled Wind
Chef's Cord
Chef's Hat
Chi Blast
Corn Kernel (x3)
Dark Crystal Necklace
Defender's Dragon Necklace X
Defender's Dragon Ring XIII
Defender's Medal (x90)
Dishwashing Towel
Dragon PvP Trophy (x9)
Dread ShadowReaper of Doom
Elemental Essence (x15)
Fire Gem (x3)
Gargoyle's Tear
Gears of War (x5)
Gnomish Personal Steamtank Vr 1.0
Golem arm
Goony Treasure Map
Gorgok's Scale
Imitation Chickencow Wings
Model of Amityvale (x2)
Model of Dragesvard (x2)
Model of Light Cave (x2)
Model of Oaklore (x2)
Model of Popsprocket (x2)
Model of The Islands (x2)
Model of The SandSea (x2)
Model of Water Cave (x2)
My Little Pegasus
Overclocked Rummage
Scrap metal (x35)
Silver Lining
Spots the Two-Headed Puppy
Tog Whistle
Token of Affection (x14)
Turkey Tail Feather (x2)
Undead Slayer Badge (x5)
Unlucky Doom Essence (x12)


Gothic Style

House Items

Gothic Style Window
Dwarf Column
Desert Scarab
Sandstone Floor
A Bush
A Bush
Dragesvard painting
Armor Closet
Magic Mirror
Sam the Skeletal Anatomy Model
Tomato Plant
Time Travel Fairy Time Tours statue