

Kaylei (Fire Dragon)
Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Akriloth's Bane IV
Vulpine Belt IV
DoomKnight Variant One
Frostval Wish Cape I
Grape Poncho
Mysterious Cards
Void Rift Wings
Defender's Dragon Ring XXIII
Byzantium Helm
Frostval Wish Helm V
Mistral Oleander Veil
Void Rift Cover
Skull Crusher Blaster
Blighted Zardbie Scythe
Crystal Frostval Scythe IX
Cysero's Baco-Matic III
Dragon Mages Wept VII
Eye of the Void IV
Glowing Tree Scythe
Lovely Time Daggers VII
Poison et Roses Katar VII
Pumpkin Leaf Point
Rainbow Saber VII
Salvaged Skean VI
TimeShift Scythe
Ultimate Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals
Ultimate Edge of Glory
Ultimate Pumpkin Edge

Bank Items

Bright Star Helm IV
Amber Katar of the Harvest V
Balloon Chickencow Pet
Beams of Celerita
Blinded by Love
Blue Ribbon
BOOM-Voice Brew
Bright Star Cape IV
Captured Sneegion Minion
Chocobunny Helm
Chronomancer Armor
Crystal Focus
Dark Justicar
Dark Moon Rising VI
Defender's Medal (x750)
DoomKnight Cloak
DoomKnight Helm
Dracabbit VII
Dravir Wings VI
Earthern Fortitude
Ebil Love VII
Evolved ChickenCow Armor
Female Frost Moglin Helm VI
Flourishing Sakura Wrap
Four Found "Lucky" Wishbones
Frost Pumpkin Knife V
Frostval Ruby Helm VII
Frosty the Snowghoul
Frozen Claymore
Fry's Coffee
Golden Wedding Ring
Gourdon the Gourd-o-Lantern
Greedling Pet
Greydawn's Anniversary Cloak VI
Icy Battle Cloak VI
Icy Battle Crown IV
Icy Battle Crown V
Indecent Proposal
Jawbreaker V
Khazri Cloak
Killer Dragon Dagger
Li'l Typhoon IV
Live Turducken
Mighty Dread Scythe
Monster Master Cap VIII
My Tiny Void Pwny III
Necrotic Sword of Doom
Nursey's Wedding Wreath
Parrrrrotical Pete the Parrot
Pristine Dragon Snowman
Ravenloss Warmonger (1000)
Revered Ancient Ninja Terrapin
Rising Tidal Helm
Rose Magus Wrap V
Rose Sand Wrap
Shockingly Awesome Hair
Shockingly Fantastic Hair
Snugglebear Helm
Solid Gold Tog
Stolen Top Hat
Stylish Hat with Long Hair
UWE Championship Ring V
Vaekan's Reaper VII
Windy Sakura Adornment
World Cup 2010 Cape II: Germany

War Records

Save The Moglins
75 waves, 0 Moglins Saved
Frostval 13
252 waves, 5 Waves Defeated
13th 13th
52 waves, 1 Waves Defeated
War of The Dragon Roses
386 waves, 5 Rose Waves
War of the Dragon Roses
50 waves, 2 Dragon Waves
Winged Darkness
502 waves, 4 Winged Darkness Waves
501 waves, 6 Turducken Waves
Ebil War
27 waves, 0 Ebil Waves Defeated
Wrath of Wargoth
89 waves, 0 Wrath Wave
Rising Fire
317 waves, 1 Waves Defeated
Lucky Day War 2012
124 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Rift War
176 waves, 5 Waves Defeated
Zardbie War 2011
160 waves, 2 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th 2011
1001 waves, 18 Waves Defeated
Hiding the Blade of Awe
328 waves, 0 Locations Searched
Lucky Day War 2011
8 waves, 2 Rainbow Shards


Frostvale Style
Villager Style

House Items

Shadow of the Wind Village
Old Checkered Floor
Healing Pad
A Bush
A Bush
Armor Closet
Somean Lion Figurine
Memento Mori
Miniature Hind-in-a-Box
Easy Clean Aquarium
Sneak Attack Landscape
Landscape Scene 2
Sunshine Slime
Statue of Pandora
Black and Boo Flaming Gourd
Blue Box
Grenwog Egg Clutch