

Draco (Fire Dragon)
Saturday, June 26, 2021


DoomKnight Cloak
Ring of the Lords
Dragon's Patience
Fallen Hero's Chain
ShadowWalker's TimeScythe I
DoomKnight Helm
Chef's Cord
Dishwashing Towel
Thursday's Dragon Necklace
Ancient Treasure
Elemental Essence
X-Boost: Unlimited (x10)
Elemental Unity
Spade's Chain Belt
Doomed Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals
Full Silver
Necrotic Sword of Doom
ShadowReaper of Doom
Spider's Kiss I
Time's Harvest III

Bank Items

Aeris PvP Trophy
Ancient Dragon Amulet Scythe of the Elements
Batwing Helm
Black Ice Pwny
Bloodshot Evil Eye
ChickenCow Armor
Dark Crystal
DeathKnight Amulet
DeathKnight Belt
DeathKnight Circlet
DeathKnight Cloak
DeathKnight Helm
Decadere Youngling
Decadere Youngling
Decadere Youngling
Decadere Youngling
Defender's Medal (x4)
Demento's Brilliant Staff
Dimensional Transphaser
Doombunny Mask
DoomKnight Armor
Drakonnan's Helm
Evolved ChickenCow Armor
Facet of Hyonix IX
Female Goggle Wig
Frostvale Dragon Cloak
Gargoyle Helm
Gooney Helm
Gunmetal Wings of Wind
Hourglass of the Dead IV
Ice Essence (x10)
Icebound Revenant
Jellyfish Faceguard
Kathool Adept Armor
Leviathon's Fang
Moglinberry Juice
Pandora's Cube Ring
Phantom Band
Powerlight Ring
Pumpkin Helm
Summon Gem - Roktoru
Sword of Falconreach IV
Sword of the Amulet
Sword of the Amulet
Tealeaf Shroud
The First Frost Giant
The Second Frost Giant
Time Reaper's Cowl IV
Warped Adept Helm
Winged Blade
Xan's Revenge
Zorbak Punting Hat


DragonLord Castle
Gothic Style II

House Items

Dragonlord Banner
Gothic Style Window
Potion Chest
Deluxe Dragonbed
Healing Pad
DA Plaque
Armor Closet
Clyde the Stats Moglin
Traveler's Gryphon Statue
Statue of Pandora
Mysterious Couch
Mysterious Fireplace
Mysterious Candle
Storybook Collection