

Freyerbrand (Energy Dragon)
Monday, June 20, 2016


Liberty Wings
Newbie Gone Ring
Doomed Death Head
Akriloth's Bane IV
Adorable Baby Dracolich Pet
Blue Box III
Fancy Tie Belt
Ultimate Brand of Glory
Chronomancer Armor
Sapphire Hood
Chef's Hat
Defender's Medal (x25)
SUPER Special Dragon Chow
Balloon Chickencow Pet
Li'l Typhoon II
Summon Gem - Reaver
Summon Gem - Roktoru
Brilliant Blinding Light of Destiny
Commemorative Birthday Sword VI
Elite High Sword of Clubs
Eternal Spring Blade
Gabriel's Wrath
Gleaming Carmine Blade
Heartless ShadowReaper of Doom
High Edge of the Eclipse
Lich's Blackwyn Axe
Mindtwist Scythe III
Pearl Blade IV
Spider Queen's Fang III
Spyblade of Frost III
Star Spangled Sword
The Flax Key
Vintage Parasol III
Well-Done Flaming Bacon Lance

Bank Items

Ancient Deathknight Cloak
Ancient Deathknight Helm
Ancient Deathknight Pendant
Ancient Shadow Warrior Armor
Baby Kraken VI
Emperor Linus
Evolved ChickenCow Armor
Final DeathKnight Blade
Li'l Inferno II
Malifact's DOOM
Mightier 100k Scythe
Overclocked Rummage
Rixty Ripper
The Golden Egg
The Massive Axe XL

War Records

Ebil War
3 waves, 0 Ebil Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th 2011
142 waves, 1 Waves Defeated
Hiding the Blade of Awe
5 waves, 0 Locations Searched


Hamelin Style
Gothic Style

House Items

Falconreach Window
Falconreach Window
Basic Bed
Artix Statue
Zhoom Statue
Inn Table
Inn Table
Necro U Handbook
Inn Sign
Armor Closet
Orb Of Saving
Plushie Cabinet
Lefthand NPC Plushie Etagere
Righthand NPC Plushie Etagere
Sunshine Slime
Time Travel Fairy Time Tours statue
Blue Box